
Irina Atkova to join the institute

Irina Atkova, Doctor of Science in Business Administration, will join Martti Ahtisaari Institute at the beginning of March, 2020. She studied at Oulu Business School, where she also defended her doctoral dissertation From opportunity to business model: an entrepreneurial action perspective in 2018.

She will be one of the postdoctoral researchers of the University of Oulu’s national research profiling program funded by the Academy of Finland that focuses on digitally-aided health and well-being. Her research will involve systematic impact creation in digital health. She will be investigating new approaches to evaluate systemic impact of digital health solutions and services, covering  impacts to service systems, economic and societal  impacts, impacts on businesses and impacts to the behavior, value and experience of health care professionals,  patients and other stakeholders.

Welcome back, Irina!